Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Eight pounds???

Is it possible that our little babes are 8 pounds already? I jumped on the scale with each of them and it says that Adalyn is 8 lbs, 3 oz and Paisley is 8 lbs, 1 oz. I don't think this is quite as accurate as the scales they use at the doctor's office, but they definitely feel like they are getting up there:)

Yesterday, I attempted to breastfeed only and by the evening feeding, I had to give in and give them the expressed breast milk (EBM) because I was in pain from the non-stop feeding. The girls would eat for up to 30 minutes or more per feeding, which left me pretty sore since I had only been doing 15 minutes up until then.

So, today, I attempted a new schedule of every other feeding and the day went great!!! I breastfeed for 4 of the feedings and then bottle fed them for 3 with EBM and 1-2 oz of Good Start, as needed, followed by pumping. This is just a nice way for me to be able to ease into it and my goal would be to be breastfeeding them fully by their 2 month birthday. We'll see how it goes:)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

One month already!!!

Happy one month, Adalyn and Paisley! Wow, has this time flown by:) The girls are getting bigger and bigger each day and their stomachs are starting to get a little more under control now. They still have some episodes of pain now and then, but a lot less than before. The Gerber Good Start seems to be working for now. I am starting to wean them off their formula next week, so we'll see how that goes.