Sunday, October 23, 2011

Paisley's first laugh!

Paisley and Adalyn had bathtime today and Michael and I were able to witness the first laugh out of little Paisley Michaela. I was sitting on the floor next to the tub and washing her head when she gave out a little giggle. I did it again and she laughed again. She then continued to laugh a few more times, which just melted our hearts. It was so adorable! Michael was right there next to me when we were bathing her and happened to have the video camera going, so we were able to capture the moment. I am adding a bath pic to this post, but it is from a few weeks after the first laugh:) I'm so glad that we were both there to share that exciting milestone together. Looking forward to Adalyn's first laugh and many more fun milestones ahead!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Where does the time go???

A&P are 16 weeks old tomorrow! Wow, has the last month flown by. Good news is that the girls are growing out of their extreme fussiness. It's been about 2 weeks now that they have been smiling more and seem to be a lot more comfortable. They are taking gas medicine and a mix of Nutramigen and Gentelease formula...everything else we have been able to stop (ie: reflux medicine, colic medicine).

We are trying to figure out the ideal bedtime schedule for them as they are super fussy around dinner time until they go to bed. Hey, we'll take it over them crying non-stop all day long:) Right now they go to bed at about 8:30 or 9 and wake up between 3 & 4 and then sleep for another 3 hours before waking up for the day. We're hoping in another month or so that they will be sleeping through the night. They take about 3 solid naps each day and then the evening nap is usually very brief as they scream for a while without being able to comfort themselves to sleep once they wake up. I think it's because they know dad is home and want to maximize their time with him:)

They have grown so much lately, I just want to freeze time. They are enjoying their vibrating chair, swing, and toys so much! They swing their arms and legs and get so excited to see all of their toys and books. They are holding their heads up really well and I'm sure it will be just a matter of weeks until they can fully do this on their own.

Adalyn and Paisley noticed each other for the first time that I have seen this week. I was nursing them and heard them release from the boob to smile at each other. They cooed and giggled a bit and it was the most adorable thing ever. They have done it one other time since then, but it's hard to get Michael to move quickly enough to see it too!!!

Today is officially my separation from Target to stay home with these beautiful girls. It is bittersweet to leave the work world, but I know this is a decision that I could never regret. I am so lucky to be able to be home and spend this time with them and to have a husband who sees the value in it too! I am such a lucky momma!!!

Daddy's birthday and Halloween are next weekend. The girls and I will have to make a cake for dad to celebrate the big 32. Nana bought them Happy Halloween onesies and tu-tus and they are looking forward to seeing all the neighborhood kids in their costumes:)