Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Another Reflux Medicine

Adalyn and Paisley had their 2 month Ped appt. on Friday and the doc recommended we switch from Zantac to Prevacid for reflux. She wants us to try that for a week and then if it works, we keep moving forward and if it doesn't, we try something else. She really wants to get them off of the Nutramigen that costs us $35 every few days and we'd like that too. However, not sure I want to be switching around formulas again!!! We'll see if the Prevacid works and go from there. Unfortunately, the girls hate it. It is refrigerated and they have to take 2 ml of it, which doesn't seem like a lot, but when you are squirting it into their little mouths, it just runs down the sides.

The girls are continuing to get more and more interactive with us and their surroundings. I put them in the Bumbo chair for the first time this morning and they seemed to like that for a little while. They can't completely hold their heads up, but they are really close. I bet in another couple weeks they will have that down. It's fun to see them having a new view of life when they can sit up and it's also nice relief for me to have something else that they can sit in so one can play independently while I play with the other.

So, although they are still pretty fussy day to day, they are getting more personality and the smiles keep us going:)