Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy 2 Month Birthday, Baby Girls!

Wow do I have a lot to catch up on since my last blog a couple weeks ago. The girls are two months old tomorrow, which is so hard to believe. They are growing up so fast and have more and more personality each day.

Over the last couple of weeks we have continued to deal with some upset tummies. Is it lactose intolerance? colic? gas? reflux? constipation? These are all potential reasons for the fussy little girls we have had since their first few weeks of life. I just want to squeeze the pain right out of them. It's been really hard to see them uncomfortable and it seems as though everything we try works somewhat for a few days or a few weeks and then we end up back with very fussy babies. Currently, I am on a dairy-free diet trying to see if they might be lactose intolerant and they are on Nutramigen Lipil (a $35 formula powder that lasts us 3 days!!!!) as well as reflux medicine and an over the counter gas medicine. My goal of trying to have them totally on breast milk by 2 months did not happen. I had to stop breastfeeding and just pump for almost 3 days trying to get the diary out of my system. I'm still not convinced it is that, but who knows. It might just be colic, but whatever it is, I can't wait for the day that our little babes are comfortable and smiling more than crying. I can't wait for that day!!!

On a more fun note, the girls have really become more aware of their surroundings. They now make eye contact with mom and dad and others and will give a little smile, which just melts your heart. They grunt and coo a lot now and definitely let us know that they are in the room:) They also love to look over our shoulders at whatever is in sight behind us. Their favorite part of the house to stare at these days are the brown curtains in our living room. They glance over at them with their big bright blue eyes and stare any chance they get.

Adalyn also enjoys her vibrating bouncer that has a monkey and koala bear hanging from it. She will coo and kick her legs and move her arms when looking at them. Paisley likes this pink musical toy that is meant to be a car seat toy, but she just loves when we shake it in front of her.

One other fun thing that happened last week was that they both found their thumbs and began to suck for a few minutes...they haven't really been able to keep them in their mouths since, but it was so adorable. Adalyn found her thumb on Tuesday and Paisley on Friday. I didn't have the camera close for Adalyn, but was able to catch the pic below of Paisley. I love what a chunky monkey she looks in this picture.
We did however get a nice shot of the mohawk Adalyn got from Daddy after bath time last week:) They're so adorable...I just love to kiss their little faces over and over! They definitely bring a lot of joy to mom and dad and we are so blessed to have them in our lives.