Friday, January 6, 2012

Adalyn rolls over!

Yay Adalyn! Little A rolled over for the first time this afternoon. I was sitting on the computer thinking that I needed to write another blog post when I noticed that she was laying on her side. A&P typically lay flat on their backs and don't move much outside of that. They will just look up and grab at the toys that are above their play mat. So, when I saw her on her side, I thought I better get the video camera on my phone. All the sudden she starts swinging her legs and arches her head back and there she went rolling from her back to her tummy! I was so excited to see that as it was one thing that the girls hadn't done yet, that I was told many babies do by this age. Then, she did it a second time and this time did a full circle from back to tummy and then back again. Our babies are growing up so fast!!!

After this, I was playing around with little Pais to see if she was interested. She is hilarious and stiffens up her entire body when she lays on her back. We always tell her what a big girl she is and she just stiffens that body more and smiles and opens her eyes really big:) She isn't interested in rolling yet, but like Adalyn, I am sure it will be any day now and when we least expect it:)