Tuesday, January 3, 2012

6 months today!

Oh my gosh, once again it has been way too long since I've blogged. Dad says I should make it a habit one day a week and that's what I am really going to try and do. We'll see:) My intentions are good, but I don't want to miss time watching you little ladies or take the time to rest when you're asleep!!!

The holidays with Adalyn and Paisley were so much fun! They are so expressive now and really paying attention to each other. We spent the weekend before Christmas at Papa's cabin and papa helped mommy and daddy out with some money to help pay for your new high chairs. A & P, you have been eating for about a month and a half now and we FINALLY got high chairs. The minute we put you in them, Paisley, you just sat there and stared. We got a complete low lip drop and the most pitiful cry from you, Adalyn. You were not quite sure why were were putting you in there as you were pretty content with us just holding you in our laps during meals. It's been a week now and you are both much more comfortable in the chairs and with eating.

Paisley, you will open your mouth and lean forward trying to get the food into your mouth. We can't get it to you quick enough most of the time. Adalyn, you just started opening up more for your food and seem to like most of it. We had green beans last night and you kept giving the gag reflex like you were choking. You two are pretty entertaining:)

Then, we went over to Kelly & Gus's house for Christmas Eve to spend time with the Ryan side. You girls were pretty fired up that night! Dad and I had to drive around with you in the car until you fell asleep so that we could stay a little bit longer. You have a hard time still in the evenings after being such good girls during the day. You got so many neat gifts from everyone that night. Nice washable bibs from Auntie Katie and Uncle Andrew, cute outfits, blocks, and rings from Kelly and Gus, dolls with your names on them and outfits from Grandmommy, and money for your savings accounts and diapers from Grandpa and Grandma Ryan. Such lucky girls!!! Linda and Jim also sent you the most adorable baby's first Christmas ornaments with your names, DOB, and birthstones. They are absolutely adorable! Not to mention how cute you girls looked in your Christmas dresses!!!

Christmas day we went to Nana's house to celebrate with part two of the McKenny side. You did much better this time, but missed your cousins Jack, Brody, and Reece. The Winjum clan got the flu and missed out on the fun. As you can imagine, your Nana had her house looking so beautiful and full of Christmas spirit. She gave you girls a learning keyboard and ball to roll around on the floor with along with jammies, dollies, teethers, and books. Auntie Julie and Uncle Court got you a learning table and book that you LOVE! Auntie Mel and Ryan personalized a book for you and it is so special. All about who loves Adalyn and Paisley!!! They also gave you taggie blankets that are so soft that you love to put them up to your faces:)

You girls have so many people that love you and you are so lucky!!! I'll post some pics from Christmas as soon as we get them.

Oh,and happy 6 months princesses! You are changing by the minute and we love every second of the day we spend with you! XOXO