Monday, November 21, 2011

Adalyn found her voice!

I'm sitting here eating lunch at the kitchen table listening to the loud coos and chatter of little Adalyn. She started to get more vocal this weekend and Paisley is just swinging away looking at her sis:) Paisley has been the super chatty one until recently and now it's hard for me to know which one I hear without looking over at them!!!

Adalyn also found her thumb again yesterday and seems to be going for it more often now. Paisley continues to suck on her entire hand and sometimes finds that thumb for a while. Yesterday, she was laying down and grabbed her feet with her hands. I think she was surprised to find out that they were attached to her:)

They are both grabbing at toys and enjoying their awake time so much. Adalyn is sleeping through the night most of the time, but still has her days here and there. Paisley still gets up around 2-3 most nights and then sleeps until about 6:30 when her sister gets up. Hoping they'll both get onboard with sleeping through the night very soon:)

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