Thursday, November 3, 2011

Four Months old!

Happy Four Months, Adalyn and Paisley!!! Wow, how you have grown over the last month. You have grown out of those fussy days and into such fun babies. You smile, laugh, and coo non-stop now. Mom and dad talk back to you and you just talk, talk, talk. Paisley is really vocal and I think sometimes Adalyn is amazed that you are still going:) She's waiting for her turn to get a word in sometimes, little Pais.

You two are becoming best of friends already. You notice each other more now and will smile and acknowledge the other. If we lay you down next to one another you will ultimately end up almost face to face, body to body, with your hands touching at some point every single time. You always want to be close to each other, which is so sweet.

You can sit up a little bit with help now, but are still very wobbly! The bumbo chair will keep you sitting up for a few minutes until you get sick of that. You are also getting a little better at tummy time. Paisley, you will now lift your head to look around and kick your feet a little bit. Adalyn, you now raise your head up for brief moments, but scream the entire time:) Neither of you really like tummy time yet. Mom probably hasn't been as good as she should be with making you lay on your tummies because you hate it so much. That's how you'll begin to crawl, though, so we need to strengthen those heads, necks, and spines.

As for mom and dad, we are enjoying every day with you two and can't believe how much you are growing each day! We are so blessed and love you so much!!!