Tuesday, November 8, 2011

First trip to Lake Dodo!

One of dad's favorite winter activities is deer hunting. He doesn't do it for the kill or to bring home the bacon, but for the camaraderie of being up north with everyone. So, dad asked me if we could bring the girls up for deer opener so the girls could meet everyone up there. Dickie and Donna (aka Grandma and Grandpa Ryan) have lots of really great friends and we wanted them to be able to see how darn cute the girls are:)

We packed up the car and took off around noon on Saturday and stayed until Monday around the same time. The girls did pretty well considering the amount of people around and the new environment. Their sleep was off a bit just due to everyone coming and going, but they did great! Here are a few pics from up north and some car photos...take note of the amount of stuff we had to bring up for the girls. We filled the truck bed almost completely.

Dad's excited to get them up there again. It will be cute to see them in their little swimsuits this summer wading in the water:) Mom better buy some water shoes since we'll both need to be in the water with them:(

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