Friday, July 29, 2011

Is it reflux or gas?

The last couple of weeks have been challenging for our little peanuts and for mom. Michael went back to work and it is definitely a lot harder without him. Also, the girls have been really fussy and they cry after almost every feeding and tighten up their little bodies. I took them into the pediatrician on the 25th for their 3rd week visit and the CNP, Pat, suggested that we put them on Zantac for reflux. I thought it was gas, but she said often parents confuse reflux with gas. We tried the Zantac alone for 3 days without noticing too much of a change, so we switched to a sensitive version of Similac in addition to the Zantac. It's so hard when it takes a good week for things to get into their systems because you want to give them relief so badly. We'll see how this goes and hopefully won't have to try yet another formula. Pat also gave us Gerber Good Start and said people have a lot of success with that if the Similac Sensitive doesn't do the trick.

Oh, and the girls each gained over a pound in the last week. Adalyn is now at 6 lbs, 13.5 oz and Paisley is at 6 lbs, 8.5 oz. Yeah baby girls!!! Keep up the good work. I just need to get them about another pound heavier and the CNP will feel more comfortable with me weaning them off of the formula and just trying to breastfeed.

Hard to believe the girls will be a month old this week!!!