Sunday, July 3, 2011

Finally, the day has arrived!!!

Michael had been asking me to go to Buege and Leiyang's pool all morning. Being over 36 1/2 weeks pregnant with the girls, I told him that the last thing I felt like doing was being in front of a bunch of people I don't know at an apartment complex pool. Not only did I not have a swimsuit that would fit me, but I also secretly wanted to watch the closing arguments in the Casey Anthony murder trial:)

Michael and Zac took off on their bikes from here and arrived at Buege's around noon for an afternoon of poolside fun. I made sure to ask if someone would have a car there so that he could get home if he needed to. All the while, thinking that I wasn't that lucky and that these girls were holding out for their scheduled c-section date of July 12th. I had just laid back down on the living room couch after going to the bathroom and was listening to Jose Baez give his closing remarks for the defense when I felt something different. It was like a surge within my body that I had never felt before. I stood up to feel it even stronger and I knew that something was about to happen. Then, all of the sudden when I was walking to the bathroom, I felt my water break. Warm water came flowing out and it seemed as though it would never stop. I was thrilled that it was time to have these little babes.

I called Michael at about 1:45pm and when he answered the phone, he asked if it was "the baby call." I said "it's time daddy!" He thought for a moment that I was kidding because we had been texting on and off for the last hour and a half. I assured him this was real and that we needed to head to the hospital. Then, I called my mom quick and told her my water broke and that we'd be heading in soon. She said she'd meet us there...she was so excited, but I told her to hold on and that I'd let her know once we got there. We called/texted the rest of our family on the way to the hospital as everyone else was up north for the 4th of July weekend.

Dr. Anne Meschke was the on-call doctor and I was disappointed that Dr. Davenport wouldn't be delivering the girls, but was soon calmed when she told me that she had twin baby girls at home. What a coincidence. She was very excited for us. I asked Dr. Meschke if I should wait for the water to stop coming out before coming in and she giggled and said that it wouldn't stop and to meet her at Fairview Southdale.

Michael, Zac, and Buege got to the house shortly thereafter and we packed up a few additional things and made our way to the hospital by 2:30pm. They hooked us up to the monitors and sure enough, these babies were ready to come out. They ran a few tests and found out that my blood platelet counts were low, so they were waiting for the anesthesiologist to determine if I could have the spinal or if they needed to put me under general anesthesia. I was hoping for the spinal so that I wouldn't miss any of their initial cries.

He came back to us and said it was time and that he was ok with my platelets given that everything else looked good. From there, everything was a whirlwind. There were about 11 people in the OR with us and the surgery went better than I expected.

Adalyn Lora was born at 4:57 pm and was 5 lbs, 8 0z and 18.5 inches long. Paisley Michaela was born at 4:58 pm and was 5 lbs, 10 oz and 19 inches long. Hearing those initial cries was such an amazing experience and we knew our lives were changed forever. This love we felt for these baby girls was incredible. Happy Birthday to our sweet Adalyn and Paisley!!!