Sunday, July 17, 2011

On our own - week 2

Our first week on our own went pretty well overall. The girls left the hospital at 5 lbs, 1 oz each and the goal for the week was to get them to gain weight. We had our first pediatrician/lactation appointment on Monday and we talked to the CNP about the feeding schedule for the week to ensure they were getting the nutrition that they needed.

This week, we focused on breast feeding for 15 minutes per baby and then supplementing with Similac as we had been in the hospital. However, the CNP decided that she wanted to put them on a higher fat formula to help with weight gain. She ran out of the Similac version, so she gave us Enfamil! BAD DECISION!!! The girls had terrible diarrhea which burned their butts so bad they had bright red bottoms with calluses on them. We felt so bad for them and they screamed bloody murder every time they went to the bathroom or we changed their diapers. Poor things. I just wanted to cry with them this week.

I called the CNP after about 2 days of this and she told us to go back on the regular Similac for now and to mix a few ointments together to put on their bottoms (Bacitracin, Lotrimin, and zinc oxide). The redness went down a bit, but it was still really, really bad!

Michael was home from work with us this entire week, which was great! We were able to spend a lot of quality time together as a family and begin to get into a routine. We are sad to see him go back to work next week, but someone's got to bring home the bacon, right??? :)