Friday, January 6, 2012

Adalyn rolls over!

Yay Adalyn! Little A rolled over for the first time this afternoon. I was sitting on the computer thinking that I needed to write another blog post when I noticed that she was laying on her side. A&P typically lay flat on their backs and don't move much outside of that. They will just look up and grab at the toys that are above their play mat. So, when I saw her on her side, I thought I better get the video camera on my phone. All the sudden she starts swinging her legs and arches her head back and there she went rolling from her back to her tummy! I was so excited to see that as it was one thing that the girls hadn't done yet, that I was told many babies do by this age. Then, she did it a second time and this time did a full circle from back to tummy and then back again. Our babies are growing up so fast!!!

After this, I was playing around with little Pais to see if she was interested. She is hilarious and stiffens up her entire body when she lays on her back. We always tell her what a big girl she is and she just stiffens that body more and smiles and opens her eyes really big:) She isn't interested in rolling yet, but like Adalyn, I am sure it will be any day now and when we least expect it:)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

6 months today!

Oh my gosh, once again it has been way too long since I've blogged. Dad says I should make it a habit one day a week and that's what I am really going to try and do. We'll see:) My intentions are good, but I don't want to miss time watching you little ladies or take the time to rest when you're asleep!!!

The holidays with Adalyn and Paisley were so much fun! They are so expressive now and really paying attention to each other. We spent the weekend before Christmas at Papa's cabin and papa helped mommy and daddy out with some money to help pay for your new high chairs. A & P, you have been eating for about a month and a half now and we FINALLY got high chairs. The minute we put you in them, Paisley, you just sat there and stared. We got a complete low lip drop and the most pitiful cry from you, Adalyn. You were not quite sure why were were putting you in there as you were pretty content with us just holding you in our laps during meals. It's been a week now and you are both much more comfortable in the chairs and with eating.

Paisley, you will open your mouth and lean forward trying to get the food into your mouth. We can't get it to you quick enough most of the time. Adalyn, you just started opening up more for your food and seem to like most of it. We had green beans last night and you kept giving the gag reflex like you were choking. You two are pretty entertaining:)

Then, we went over to Kelly & Gus's house for Christmas Eve to spend time with the Ryan side. You girls were pretty fired up that night! Dad and I had to drive around with you in the car until you fell asleep so that we could stay a little bit longer. You have a hard time still in the evenings after being such good girls during the day. You got so many neat gifts from everyone that night. Nice washable bibs from Auntie Katie and Uncle Andrew, cute outfits, blocks, and rings from Kelly and Gus, dolls with your names on them and outfits from Grandmommy, and money for your savings accounts and diapers from Grandpa and Grandma Ryan. Such lucky girls!!! Linda and Jim also sent you the most adorable baby's first Christmas ornaments with your names, DOB, and birthstones. They are absolutely adorable! Not to mention how cute you girls looked in your Christmas dresses!!!

Christmas day we went to Nana's house to celebrate with part two of the McKenny side. You did much better this time, but missed your cousins Jack, Brody, and Reece. The Winjum clan got the flu and missed out on the fun. As you can imagine, your Nana had her house looking so beautiful and full of Christmas spirit. She gave you girls a learning keyboard and ball to roll around on the floor with along with jammies, dollies, teethers, and books. Auntie Julie and Uncle Court got you a learning table and book that you LOVE! Auntie Mel and Ryan personalized a book for you and it is so special. All about who loves Adalyn and Paisley!!! They also gave you taggie blankets that are so soft that you love to put them up to your faces:)

You girls have so many people that love you and you are so lucky!!! I'll post some pics from Christmas as soon as we get them.

Oh,and happy 6 months princesses! You are changing by the minute and we love every second of the day we spend with you! XOXO

Monday, November 21, 2011

Adalyn found her voice!

I'm sitting here eating lunch at the kitchen table listening to the loud coos and chatter of little Adalyn. She started to get more vocal this weekend and Paisley is just swinging away looking at her sis:) Paisley has been the super chatty one until recently and now it's hard for me to know which one I hear without looking over at them!!!

Adalyn also found her thumb again yesterday and seems to be going for it more often now. Paisley continues to suck on her entire hand and sometimes finds that thumb for a while. Yesterday, she was laying down and grabbed her feet with her hands. I think she was surprised to find out that they were attached to her:)

They are both grabbing at toys and enjoying their awake time so much. Adalyn is sleeping through the night most of the time, but still has her days here and there. Paisley still gets up around 2-3 most nights and then sleeps until about 6:30 when her sister gets up. Hoping they'll both get onboard with sleeping through the night very soon:)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Time for oatmeal:)

We had the girls' four month doctor appointment yesterday (they are actually 4 1/2 months) and were excited to hear that the girls were looking fabulous and...

...we get to start them on oatmeal!!! So excited for this next stage in their lives. I ran to Target last night to pick up some oatmeal, rice cereal, and baby food to start out with. Dr. Schaefer said we can do rice or oatmeal and everything that I read online showed that most babies either hate rice cereal or get super constipated with it, so we decided to start with oatmeal. Dad held Adalyn and I had Paisley and we sat at the table for the first feeding, which was pretty funny. The girls didn't seem to like it a whole lot and most of it just ran down their faces, so we'll keep trying and incorporating some new foods every few days. They suggest we wait 3 days between each to ensure they aren't allergic to any of them.

They are also doing really well both in size and development. Adalyn weighs 15 lbs and 12 oz now and Paisley is 15 lbs and 2 oz. Adalyn is in the 75th percentile for weight and Paisley is in the 50-75th percentile. Our little peanuts are doing so well...we are so lucky:)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

First trip to Lake Dodo!

One of dad's favorite winter activities is deer hunting. He doesn't do it for the kill or to bring home the bacon, but for the camaraderie of being up north with everyone. So, dad asked me if we could bring the girls up for deer opener so the girls could meet everyone up there. Dickie and Donna (aka Grandma and Grandpa Ryan) have lots of really great friends and we wanted them to be able to see how darn cute the girls are:)

We packed up the car and took off around noon on Saturday and stayed until Monday around the same time. The girls did pretty well considering the amount of people around and the new environment. Their sleep was off a bit just due to everyone coming and going, but they did great! Here are a few pics from up north and some car photos...take note of the amount of stuff we had to bring up for the girls. We filled the truck bed almost completely.

Dad's excited to get them up there again. It will be cute to see them in their little swimsuits this summer wading in the water:) Mom better buy some water shoes since we'll both need to be in the water with them:(

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Four Months old!

Happy Four Months, Adalyn and Paisley!!! Wow, how you have grown over the last month. You have grown out of those fussy days and into such fun babies. You smile, laugh, and coo non-stop now. Mom and dad talk back to you and you just talk, talk, talk. Paisley is really vocal and I think sometimes Adalyn is amazed that you are still going:) She's waiting for her turn to get a word in sometimes, little Pais.

You two are becoming best of friends already. You notice each other more now and will smile and acknowledge the other. If we lay you down next to one another you will ultimately end up almost face to face, body to body, with your hands touching at some point every single time. You always want to be close to each other, which is so sweet.

You can sit up a little bit with help now, but are still very wobbly! The bumbo chair will keep you sitting up for a few minutes until you get sick of that. You are also getting a little better at tummy time. Paisley, you will now lift your head to look around and kick your feet a little bit. Adalyn, you now raise your head up for brief moments, but scream the entire time:) Neither of you really like tummy time yet. Mom probably hasn't been as good as she should be with making you lay on your tummies because you hate it so much. That's how you'll begin to crawl, though, so we need to strengthen those heads, necks, and spines.

As for mom and dad, we are enjoying every day with you two and can't believe how much you are growing each day! We are so blessed and love you so much!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Paisley's first laugh!

Paisley and Adalyn had bathtime today and Michael and I were able to witness the first laugh out of little Paisley Michaela. I was sitting on the floor next to the tub and washing her head when she gave out a little giggle. I did it again and she laughed again. She then continued to laugh a few more times, which just melted our hearts. It was so adorable! Michael was right there next to me when we were bathing her and happened to have the video camera going, so we were able to capture the moment. I am adding a bath pic to this post, but it is from a few weeks after the first laugh:) I'm so glad that we were both there to share that exciting milestone together. Looking forward to Adalyn's first laugh and many more fun milestones ahead!